Wednesday, February 8, 2012

You know you've been in Germany too long when ...

I found this post from one of my friend's twitter. And I can't stop saying "yeah that is so me!" when I read it. So true! And here I will tell you which ones are similar to mine! :D

-You’ve sorted your garbage into at least 3 garbage cans and you know the difference between "Gelbe Sacke" and "Restmull" : so true, it's like in my blood now! lol. i hope i still remember to do this when i come back to indonesia!

-You get excited that CNN is in English : not only CNN, but anything that suddenly airing in English! :))

-You've watched the Simpsons in German and hated it : and spongebob, family guy, even HIMYM :((

-You've laughed at a German trying to say "squirrel".

-You know what a "Klo" is and you've gone "auf" one : ich muss auf klo! :p

- You know what DB stands for : yeah now I know it stands for Deutsche Bahn, not Deutsche Bank!

-You know the difference between Milka and Ritter Sport (including all their various varieties) : absolutely! and I like Milka better!

- You know what a WG is, and have lived in one.

- You've ever been totally confused on how to open any and all windows / doors / locks.

- You get irrationally annoyed when the bus / train / tram is over five minutes late : seriously! even i'm sucha last minute person, but i hate when the U-bahn is delayed!

- You've been caught "schwarzfahring" (riding without a ticket) at least once (and pretended not
to speak German to get out of it) : all i can comment is :D

- You've answered the phone with your last name (eg. "Jones!", "Williams!") : sometimes, not too often.

- You know the separate functions of the big button and the small button to flush the toilet.

- When "wir sind immer fϋr Sie da: Mo-Mi 0800-2000" ("We are always here for you - Mon. to
Wed. 8 am - 8 pm) no longer makes you laugh : hell yeah!

- You know that not looking someone in the eye when toasting will give you seven years bad sex : not sex, but it is just a must and sucha culture i might say.

-You have gotten extremely frustrated by the fact that the Z and the Y are switched on German keyboards.

-You ask people how they are with grunts like 'Und?' or 'Na?' : sometimes! :D

- You have paid to use a public restroom : and some of it has to pay 1euro!

- You've completely forgotten a word in English, yet you know what it is in German : sooo truuue, now I am just like a bilingual who isn't good at both languages! :))

-You know that German efficiency is, in fact, a myth.

- You've starved on a Sunday (or every Sunday) because you forgot to get bread / milk / juice /
anything at all to eat on Saturday : SOOO MEEE!

-You get to the end of a sentence, and forget which verb / how many verbs you have to put there. : oh damn grammatics! :s

- Anything with englische Untertiteln excites you.

- You’ve carried your groceries home in a cloth sack.

- You wished you drank beer because it's cheaper than everything else on the menu - including
water and coke!

- You call your cell phone a "handy".

- You heat each room in your house separately.

- Your ones look like sevens and your sevens are a molestation of a 7 and a T.

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