Friday, December 23, 2011

nusantara restaurant

The thing I miss the most about home beside family is of course INDONESIAN FOOD! That is why I am very happy to know there are few Indonesian Restaurants here in Berlin. But unfortunately, not with student's price (I know I am no more student, but still, I still count everything with "student price" Hahaha). Until I heard there is one new Indonesian restaurant in Turmstrasse just opened last August. And not too expensive as well. So I tried for the first time with my friend Ully, and it was good and tasty too. Now, when I really want an Indonesian comfort food (without cooking bymyself), I just go there. I even already recommend it to some people I've met and want to try Indonesian food. If you live in Berlin, you should try it!




you could find Indonesian magazine here

the most important thing for Indonesian people, chilli sauce! :))

my favourite, bakwan goreng!

lontong sayur padang, very spicy

bakmi goreng

Nusantara Restaurant :
Turmstrasse 18
Berlin 10559
U Bahn : U9 Turmstrasse

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