I realized that I haven't posting about the Blogger charity. Actually a week a go, I walked blogging, and I saw this Blogger Heart Children from geschmackstraegerin. And then I just initiated to join this great charity!
This event was the idea from Stefan and Julia. Blogger Heart Children is a coalition of bloggers, for Christmas gifts to the children and young people. Each year they choose a different Children's and Youth Welfare Society, which sent the packages just before Christmas Eve. Even though I don't celebrate Christmas, but I think it's a perfect time to give something for children who live in Germany with their under poverty line.
Since the deadline to send the package will be 14.12.2011, so I think I will send mine about the next Monday. I hope I won't be late. :)
If you're living around Germany and Austria, you can also register to join us here, right now!
I'll post more about my package on the next posting!
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