Saturday, May 1, 2010

geez, i'm old!

Happy Birthday to Me!! Yeay!!

I got a lil surprise from my cousin and my partner in crime at 12, and they gave me..a LOMO! I love it!

Nothing really special happened, but I did spend my late night dinner with my dearest persons:)

Alhamdulillah Ya Allah, you give one more year to change my life, to become a better person hopefully. Amin:)

the 'so called' birthday cake:p

super exciting! thank you loves:*

the birthday giirrll a.k.a. moi! haha

the late dinner menus..yaameehh! thank you Bali resto!:)


ini niat banget bikinnya:p







and now my narcism time! nyahahaa!:p





special thanks to the photographer! jadi ngga keliatan deh dia krn sibuk motoin. haha..*hugs*