Tuesday, March 31, 2009
purchase of the month [march 2009]
Monday, March 30, 2009
lucky me..but not so lucky anyway..
top G2000/grey cardigan zara/grey jeans giordano/boots purchased in amsterdam/vintage bag unbranded
Friday, March 27, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
IT GIRL...[my version]
i just looked at wikipedia, and i just about to know that the actually definition of It Girl is..
"An It girl or It-girl is a charming, sexy young woman who
receives intense media coverage unrelated or disproportional to personal
achievements. The reign of an "It girl" is usually temporary; some of the rising
It girls will either become fully-fledged celebrities or their popularity will
fade" wikipedia
and..i know teenage girls are more interesting with Hollywood or Europe's It Girls!
and i bet you, this girls below, at least one of you favourite It-Girl, because who doesn't like to see ...
Alexa Chung

and they all have a great sense of fashion! i love them too! but you know what? actually I have my most favourite It-Girl (on my own version,absolutely!). and because I'm a little bit nationalist, I do more like Indonesian It-Girl, and she is ....
but afterall, i love her still.
this is some of her picture that I got from http://jakartasocial.wordpress.com/
Monday, March 23, 2009
fun but sad weekend
last saturday, my friends and i had a "nyushi, nyisha, nyuci" day! hahaha. niat ke sushi ishin because of uwi yang bakal ke hamburg, dan belum pernah sekalipun mencicipi sushi diberlin. dan kalap! haha. sisha atas dorongan para laki-laki, yang nggak pernah kesampean nyisha lagi setelah sekian lama. tadinya mau ke take off, tapi malah melipir kesebelahnya, dan sedikit menyesal, karena mau nyisha kok tempatnya kayak mau rapat (meja tinggi dan kursi yang nggak nyaman!), pluuuuss sishanya bikin korban karena sesek napas! hahahha..nyuci? ini sih nemenin uwi sama beka aja:p
entah kenapa weekend ini identik sekali dengan lari-lari. biasanya, gue mengidentikkan "lari = pasti lagi bareng crystal!":p karena entah kenapa, kalo lagi jalan bareng crystal, adaaaa aja yang bikin gue selalu berlari-lari bersamanya,hahahahha.. tapi kemaren weekend penuh lari, dari lari ngejar bus, u-bahn maupun s-bahn, lari karena anak-anak cowok yang iseng mencetin bell di trift neubau (dan akhirnya berhasil bikin gue nyungsep jatuh ditangga!sial!).
thats my weekend..hows urs?
i'll post the pics a.s.a.p.
cant believe that tomorrow is already monday! damn!
can i skip next weekdays?
listen to me
Hey baby... listen to me carefully
Friday, March 20, 2009
my converse wishlist
three of them are converse's band edition, and i just want to grab them all!
kurt cobain's edition (i want it the most!)
the who's edition (actually rusdy who really adore this one, but i like it too, its sooo british!:p)
i'm so stressed out!
stress soal paper (numero uno!), stress soal conference and the bla bla bla, stress karena ada janji phone interview hari ini (and i feel like time is running soooo sloooowwww...to 2 o'clock), stress karena banyak kejutan-kejutan istimewa tak terduga (but very frustrating!)hari ini.
hell! what happens to my day TODAY???
among those stress, i realized that i'm now a lil bit "tergila-gila" with that HIP technology called Blackberry (sumpah nggak nyambung). i kept searching about that cellphone last nite, WOW! and then i was thinking about the old blackberry. i actually knew it since few years a go about this BB. then two days a go i saw a man sat next to me using that old BB.
i think i like it much more than the new BBs (even BB bold!).
more or less, this is the pic of that old BB, do u even recognize it?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
short time break..after "almost crazy" time grappled with coding bla bla bla
i went home, and wrote again, but just for an hour, i cant help myself, i really need a break!
okaay, and back to the City..i also in love with Whitney Port now (i used to love Lauren Conrad from the Hills)..you should check their clothes' website..cause they are all fabolous!
now its time to sleep..
Monday, March 16, 2009
i'm stuck here...help me please!
need a fresh air! i'm stuck. but i have to do it now. because the deadline is coming up in two weeks! aarrrrggghhhhh!!!!
need chocolate please! need cupcake! need anything sweet! gosh!
day and night
when i came to berlin
BATIK rocks on Eidul Fitr 2008 & Indonesia Independence Day 2008
left: top batik unbranded, black pants dVb right: short sleeve batik shirt batik keris, black pants topshop, bag anya hindmarch
friends' birthday party
giraffe dress purchased from waggish online shopping, black short cardigan esprit, grey jeans giordano, colorful shawl zara kids, light blue bag benetton
statement shirt zara, fuschia cardigan unbranded, black pants topshop, bag zara, fuschia gummy shoe bazaar kemang
black top giordano, jeans giordano, short sleeve jacket unbranded, hat purchased in den haag, shoes kimmyshoe
Lollipop dress topshop, red tights unbranded, black long coat zara, boots purchased in amsterdam
long purple shirt zara, black tights unbranded
my kind of style in past
click the pics for bigger size
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I just want to make my blogspot different from my blogs before. I usually wrote looots of things and less picture. But now, I realize that picture tell 1000 words anyway.
Let me say a little bit about my blog.. it’s soooo me, even if someone who knows me in reality would tell that it is not, or maybe it is just my alter ego:p
just enjoy! and hope it would be inspiring!